The Beauty Of Feminism


Hey ladies! There’s a reason we’re not in the kitchen right now. Women’s liberation has brought us a long way in a relatively short period of time. It’s given us the choice to dictate our own futures, whatever we decide we want them to be. Here’s a few reasons why feminism is still a positive and relevant movement today.

We’ve come far. Fast. When you think about it, for a majority of history women have not experienced the equality we deserve. In some parts of the world, it’s still an issue! Even here in the United States, women’s suffrage did not come along until the passing of the nineteenth amendment in 1920. That’s less than a hundred years ago! Now we have women out in the professional workplace, holding government offices, and even running for president. Maybe we have a ways to go, but the amount of growth we’ve made has been exponential. And ladies, it’s definitely still getting better.

You can’t do it wrong. There’s no right or wrong way to be a feminist. All it takes is a will for women to be seen as equal to our male counterparts. That doesn’t mean we have to be like men. If you like to wear heels and dresses, great. If wearing pants and flats are more comfortable to you, that’s great too. Maybe, you like both even. Do exactly what makes you happy and makes you feel most fulfilled. If it means painting your nails and watching a romance movie, you paint those nails, sister. If it means going out and working on a car, grab a wrench. Our anatomy doesn’t define our interests. We decide, and there’s no wrong choice. Our differences make us great, not weak. We are one gender made up of individuals with very different tastes and personalities. It’s when we don’t feel like we can express our individuality that’s the challenge. There’s no wrong way to be a woman. There’s no wrong way to be yourself.

It’s about all of us- possibly. Taking a stand on our current feminist issues benefits ourselves, as well as all women, and our future generations. Just as we look back at the 1950’s ideal of a woman and shake our heads, imagine a future even brighter than our present. Progression should never be shunned, no matter the topic, and women’s rights is no different. It takes all of us to change our perspective a little bit and look past what we’ve been taught, men and women alike.

To check out some more articles on feminism or how to become more involved, check out



